Who We're

Be Part of Our Mission


We exist to support the vulnerable with skills and materials that will help them see hope for a better future.

What we do

Support Our Vision

RHAC-Uganda was founded with the hope of seeing a transformed community, children living healthy lives and capable of handling life’s challenges with good morals and contributing effectively to national development.

Who do we stand for?

Inspired by hope for a better future, we firmly believe that every child’s value and dignity is upheld, regardless of their circumstances, background or beliefs. And so, during crisis  such as disaster, disease  and conflict, we work towards ensuring that No Child is left Behind.

From DREAMS to reality: A journey of self-reliance

RHAC-Uganda transforms Young people through Talent Development Program. Identifying and developing outstanding talents, and transforming it to become a source of livelihood.

Today, many youngsters have found themselves celebrated from life of uncertainty to seeing hope for a better future.

Our Programs

People We Serve?

We Work with Government Institutions and Support Women Leadership at all levels.

Our Desire for Women Economic Empowerment is unimpeded.

Our Corporate Partners