The last 40 years have seen extensive research on HIV/AIDS care and management with significant achievements. We have joined the global community target of promoting 95% knowledge of status, 95% enrollment to care and treatment, and 95% retention to management. Community interventions for pandemic preparedness: A crucial lever for pandemic preparedness basing on experiences from HIV, COVID-19, and other public health emergencies of international concern.

Community action is broadly recognised as central to comprehensive and effective system responses to pandemics. However, there is uncertainty about how and where communities can be best supported to bolster long-term resilience and preparedness. We use a typology of community interventions (Community Informing, Consulting, Involving, Collaborating or Empowering–or CICICE)

Leveraging the HIV Response for Stronger Pandemic Preparedness

What we learned from responding to the AIDS pandemic over four decades helped us respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it can help us with the next threat. We build on existing experiences to ensure that health institutions and communities have the capacity to respond to emerging pandemic.